I have two sisters who are twins. While growing up, it was always the two of them together and I was alone. Sure I had a cousin but we always got along for two hours and then she would throw a tantrum for whatever reason. My siblings made rules I wasn't allowed to break. So, I was always forced to be alone and play all by myself. I talked to myself out loud while watching them have a lot of fun on their own. I had way too many imaginary friends. At school, every time I was close to someone, they would move out the year after. I remember being alone in the school yard from the age of 3 to the age of 6 as everyone already had friends and I didn't want to disturb them. After that, I shared some passions with my sisters and we talked to each other but those were always short discussions. I am always surprised - even nowadays - to see the relationship some people have with their siblings: they hug them, they talk to them, they share some secrets and when they feel down, their siblings are always there to make them feel better. Mine aren't. They just sit there and ignore me while I cry. Trust me, I have tried to be closer to them but they always found ways to push me away. I had a penfriend. Well yeah, I had to kill the time. She was older than me, our relationship was great and getting her letters was always the highlight of my day. When I wasn't writing, I enjoyed doing my homework and I could even do my sisters'. I was a nerd. One of my teachers even asked me if I wanted to skip a year. No one likes a nerd. And as you know, people judge a book by its cover. I was always alone as I didn't like the same things as the other girls. I believe that being alone led me to think a lot about my life and I grew up way faster than the others. I'm not trying to brag here since growing up isn't something that's joyful. At the age of 10, I expected a lot from junior high school: freedom, open-minded people and new faces. However, I found myself crying the day before going to this new school. Indeed, it was the first time that I would be far from home for more than 4 hours and it scared me. The first day at junior high school was great, actually. I knew some people and I found it quite easy to talk to my new classmates. That evening, I was crying again and it was the last time that I allowed myself to weep in front of my family. Why was I crying? I guess that I already knew the answer: I would end up being alone as soon as they would find out that I'm good at everything. I was hanging out with my mother's colleague's daughter who didn't talk much, a young girl who wore glasses and looked like a nerd - she didn't talk much either, a girl who looked like a singer and a blonde-haired girl who was already dating a guy. I was also talking to almost every girl in my class (well, we were only 10) except those two tall girls who had already big boobs and didn't look their age. They had already found out that I was a nerd and didn't need more to classify me as a non-interesting person. It seemed like the blonde girl thought of herself as the centre of the world and the singer look-alike was at her feet. I knew these two were already talking behind my back. I was often crying but I couldn't find the strength to face my mother and tell her that I didn't have any friends and that they were mean to me. At some point, I felt like I belong, I did. There were ups and downs - mostly downs - but I held on thanks to music and the friends I had made on the Internet. The year after was a little bit better. The two tall girls changed their mind about my case after seeing how funny I was (well, that's what they said!). This year, I was happier. Everything was better. The first months of 2007 were the best of my life, I have no doubt about that. I was no longer with the blonde girl, the singer look-alike, the shy nerd and my mum's colleague's daughter since I knew two of them were taking advantage of me. I was now hanging out with one of the tall girls, the brown-haired one. She was so funny and we had such a good time together. She invited all the girls to her birthday party, it was such a cool evening! A few days after, we went on a trip with school. And as I write that, there are tears in my eyes. It was honestly the best thing that has ever happened in my life. It was just plain perfect. I was really close to the guy I was in love with. I wasn't homesick for the first time in my life. When the summer holidays came, none of us wanted to leave school. We were like a huge family. They were everything to me! Summer 2007 was the worst of my life. The musical that gave me so much hope ended. My grandfather had lost his beautiful voice, he couldn't sing anymore. He was so sick that he had to stay in bed all day long. It wasn't a life. I knew he would die soon. I didn't talk to anyone about that. I have never talked about my feelings. September 2007: back to school. I decided to join the drama club. Our first homework was to write an essay about a French dramatist. I was with the brown-haired girl and a blonde girl who was in the same bus as me. This is the one homework that I will always remember since it prevented me from visiting my grandfather at the hospital. When I left the girl's house, I was told that he passed away. The day after, people saw that I wasn't feeling well, they knew what happened but they weren't there for me. I felt more alone than ever. The bus girl was hanging out with the brown-haired girl and they also started to stab me in the back. It hurt. There again, I cried a lot and no one even knew about that. By the end of 2007, the boy I was in love with was told by some guy that I was into him and he became my boyfriend. We didn't kiss though. It was a way for him to say that he had a girlfriend and that was it. The day before the Christmas holidays, he finally kissed me and I felt so happy. When we went back to school, I was told that he had kissed another girl and didn't want to hear about me anymore. It hurt so much. I was kind of cheated on and even though it didn't involve anything sexual, it was still a betrayal. I was more and more by myself. Again, I didn't have the same passion as everyone else. They were all making these sex jokes - uhhh, 13-year-olds are annoying - and were despising those who didn't talk about sex. I was despised. My last year at that school was terrible. The brown-haired girl, who had become my best friend, didn't pay attention to me at all. The boy I was in love with, still the 'cheater', went out with me again. I still don't know how I let this happen but well, I had loved him for three years and I was basically at his feet. It was different. At the beginning, he was still that stupid son of a bitch but then he changed. He became sweeter. I still remember the way he smelt, this will forever be my favourite taste. But then a guy came and I was troubled. I began to have feelings for him. I felt guilty. I was a bitch. But you can't decide who you fall in love with, right? I had to end things up with my boyfriend, that guy I had loved for three long years, just because I had feelings for this new guy. Stupid feelings. A few months later, I was hanging out with that guy who had to repeat a year. He was so dumb, listened to crappy music (aka rap) and thought of a woman as an inferior human being who had to stay in the kitchen. Despite these facts, he was funny. I told my guy best friend that I wouldn't mind going out with him. I was not in love with him, not at all. But he was the kind of guy who played with girls' feelings and I knew he wouldn't mind that I wasn't in love with him. He became my second boyfriend. It was great and he was a good kisser (gosh, I hope he never reads that). A few weeks later, I found out that he was cheating on me. It did hurt, even though I wasn't in love with him. After this second betrayal, I couldn't trust anyone. My classmates were talking behind my back, guys made a fool of me. I was so insecure, I needed people's attention. I did ask for it. 'No one loves me'. All I got was 'Shut the fuck up, we care about you'. They did. I just didn't see it. Leaving them at the end of the school year broke my heart. High school was waiting for me. I was excited. Apparently, friends we make in high school will forever stay in our life. The first two days at that new school were horrible. I literally spent these days talking to no one. I had spent 4 years with the same people, I didn't know how to introduce myself to new people without looking like a complete weirdo. There were already groups of people. It was so hard for me to fit in. I didn't. I still haven't. It was at that moment that I realised that junior high school was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and that I was dumb to think that they all hated me. I ended up talking to two girls but there was still this need to fit in. My guy best friend and the singer look-alike were in the same school as me. They went out together. I was alone, again. I then decided that I would stay alone, just like I have always been. It was just fine. I became pessimistic. I got along with that guy who was one of my best friend's classmates. He had a girlfriend, was listening to the same bands as me and he was funny. I hate to admit that, but I fell in love with him. And yeah, let's throw the 'bitch, be interested in single guys instead of stealing our boyfriends!' at me. I'm not like that. I know betrayal. I was just watching from a safe place. Everybody understood that I had feelings for him, it was obvious! Despite that fact, the singer look-alike thought that I was into HER boyfriend, aka my best friend. I wasn't. She told everyone I was a whore. My classmates only talked to me when they needed to copy my homework. It disgusted me. In February, I found out that the guy I was in love with had broken up with his girlfriend because she had cheated on him. I wasn't happy for myself, I didn't think 'Great! He's single again!'. I felt concerned. I was actually devastated for him. I knew betrayal. We talked all day long and then he added me on msn. My heart was beating faster than ever. He made all these allusions about me and him getting together. I wanted to. But he was the boy. He told me 'I'm too shy to ask a girl out, I know guys are supposed to make the first step but I'm just too afraid of her answer'. I knew it was going to be hard. In my head, I was already dating him, sleeping with him and marrying him. He told me sweet things such as 'you're pretty, smart, you have got everything for you so stop thinking you're not worth anyone's attention'. I believed him. I was addicted to my phone (it was a first) and every single text message I got from him made me smile like an idiot. I was hopeful about me and him. On March 4th (it was a Thursday), I kissed him. And then he kissed me again. Everything was rainbows and butterflies, literally. I couldn't even focus on the lessons I had, all I had in mind was him. He wanted to have lunch with me but I had already promised one of my friends I would eat with her. It broke my heart because all I wanted was to be with him. But my friends always come first. Always. The day after, we didn't kiss. He didn't even talk to me. I knew it was over. I just didn't understand what these two weeks had meant to him and why he made them happen if he didn't want to date me. He went back with his girlfriend a few days after. I was a mess. I had never been that hurt before. I don't ever want to relive the months that followed this heartbreak. I didn't want to let people in. I sure as hell did not want to tell my feelings ever again. Being alone was just fine. If my friends had other friends, then I would avoid seeing them. Why would they want to hang out with me if they had such awesome other friends? It was nonsense. I didn't want to be close to anyone. There was just way too much to lose. I was just way too boring. I was a nerd. I was a loner. A few months later, a guy talked to me on msn. He was one of my junior high school friends. He is the funniest person I know. We exchanged our phone numbers and we spent our days talking to each other. I fell for him. On July 4th, he told me he loved me. It was on a Sunday. I was also in love with him, obviously. Everything was just fine. When I got back to school, my classmates told me that they had never seen me this happy before. Yes, he made me happy. He still does. The thing is, I have been busy at school and I'm not used to being around people. So, I've been neglecting this relationship quite a bit because of my loneliness. This is my main flaw. I was made fun of so many times. People talked to me out of pity way too many times. Now I'm just this cold girl who doesn't show anything. Everyone thinks that I'm heartless. I may be. Society made me that way. And I would like to apologize for being so cold and not letting anyone in. I just don't see why people talk to me. I just think they would be happier with other persons. I'm not interesting. I have never been. This is the story of my life. A lonely girl who is losing all her friends because she can't fucking express her feelings.